Somerville House has traditionally offered financial assistance through the provision of Scholarships and Bursaries to support diversity, equity and excellence at the School.

Giving transformative opportunities 

Through the generosity of our Foundation’s donors, a number of scholarships are awarded each year to students who might not ordinarily be able to access a Somerville House education. 

All Foundation Scholarships are ‘means tested’ with a robust and independent assessment of applicants’ capacity to afford school fees.

Selection is based on performance in the ACER Academic Scholarship Test.

The majority of scholarships are multi-year and allocated on a competitive basis. 

The Foundation also assists members of the School community experiencing financial difficulty through the provision of bursaries

All scholarship and bursary recipients will be determined at the discretion of the Principal and a Foundation Director.

Named Scholarships

These Scholarships are administered through an arrangement directly between the School and a donor, or through fundraising initiatives undertaken by the Foundation.

Scholarship in Memory of Kate Benjamin

Together, family & friends have established the Rural and Regional Scholarship in Memory of Kate Benjamin.

This Scholarship will commence in 2026 and will subsidies both tuition and boarding costs. This scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding regional or rural student, who would otherwise not be able to attend the School due to their financial circumstances.

Sidonie Thompson Memorial Scholarship

The Sidonie Thompson Memorial Scholarship, was established in honour of a former student at the School. The scholarship will be awarded to a talented student who would otherwise not be able to attend the School due to their financial circumstances.

The Scholarship funds 100% of tuition for one student only for six years from Year 7.

Dr Lorna Archibald Memorial Scholarship

The Dr Lorna Archibald Memorial Scholarship is named in honour of former student and bequestor Dr Lorna Archibald who graduated from Somerville House in 1931. The scholarship will be awarded to a talented student who would otherwise not be able to attend the School due to their financial circumstances. 

The Scholarship funds 100% of tuition for one student only for six years from Year 7.

Editha Robinson Memorial Scholarship

The Editha Robinson Memorial Scholarship is named in honour of former student and bequestor Editha Robinson née Bentley who graduated from Somerville House in 1931. The scholarship will be awarded to a talented student who would otherwise not be able to attend the School due to their financial circumstances. 

The Scholarship funds 50% of tuition for one student only for six years from Year 7.

In Honour of Elizabeth Gilchrist

The Scholarship in Honour of Mrs Elizabeth Gilchrist AM was established for a new student who demonstrates excellence in academic, music, sports or the arts, who would otherwise not be able to attend the School due to their financial circumstances.

The Scholarship funds 50% of tuition for one student only, from Year 7. 

In Honour of Dr Russell Bird

The Scholarship in Honour of Dr Russell Bird was established for a new student who demonstrates excellence in academic, music, sports or the arts, who would otherwise not be able to attend the School due to their financial circumstances.

The Scholarship funds 50% of tuition for one student only, from Year 7.

Legacy Scholarship

The Legacy Scholarship is a ‘means-tested’ 50% Scholarship which will support a student from Years 7 through 12, to enable families with strong connections to the School to continue their association.

Applicants must be the daughter, granddaughter, or niece of an Old Girl.

This Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of talent or merit, with entry in other years considered. 

Selection Criteria incorporate means-testing to determine eligibility to apply, or receive, a Foundation Scholarship.

General Fund Bursaries 

Foundation Bursaries are open to current families only and do not meet the criteria for funding by the Scholarship Fund, so are funded from the General Fund. Those wishing to donate to the Bursaries fund can do so, however these gifts do not attract tax deductibility. The assessment panel for any bursary is to be comprised of, as a minimum, the Principal and a Foundation Director.

Senior Years Bursary

Senior Years Bursary This needs based bursary enables existing students in years 10,11 and 12 to successfully complete Year 12.

Special Ability Bursary

Special Ability Bursary This needs based bursary enables existing students to successfully complete Year 12. This bursary is tenable for up to six years and is available for students who demonstrate special ability or talent in academic, music, sports or the arts.