Cotton Library

The Cotton Library, named to honour Miss Constance Cotton, a former significant teacher of the Junior School, is integral to the teaching and learning programs at Somerville House.

Within Cotton Library there are two class rooms, one dedicated to Junior Fiction appropriate for Prep to Year 2 students, a purposely designed reading corner and a large open area. These brightly coloured, engaging and flexible learning spaces cater for the research, literacy and learning needs of Junior School students and staff from Pre-Prep to Year 6.

The Cotton Library collection includes a broad range of print resources, games and toys to ensure students across all reading levels are supported in achieving their literacy goals and developing a joy of reading. Online databases compliment these resources and assist in developing students’ information literacy skills.

Prep to Year 4 students have weekly Information Literacy lessons with a Teacher Librarian, while Years 5 and 6 have fortnightly lessons. Here they are taught information literacy and research skills to support classroom work.

Seymour Library

The Seymour Library, named to honour the School’s eighth Principal, Reverend Sam Seymour, opened in 2001 as a single-level learning space to serve the Middle and Senior Years.

In March 2018 Seymour Library was re-opened after an extensive refurbishment resulting in a state-of-the-art, university-inspired learning space across multiple levels. The Seymour Library now offers three separate, versatile and light-filled levels catering for the research, study and recreational reading needs of students in the Middle and Senior Years from Years 7 to 12 as well as Academic Staff.

The Seymour Library collection includes access to a range of electronic resources via subject specific, academic, online databases, an extensive, current, print collection, ebooks, audio books, DVDs, a digital repository of video content and a variety of devices and technology equipment which enhance the student learning experience.

Flexible furniture, wall-to-floor glass windows and rich fixtures and furnishings provide a friendly, welcoming and stimulating environment for students, who are supported by Library Staff to fulfil their research requirements and continue a love of reading. 

Opening Hours

Seymour Library is open during term time:

Monday to Thursday 7.00am to 6.00pm.
Friday 7.00am to 5.00pm.

Cotton Library is open during term time for independent borrowing:

Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.25am and at lunch time.


A range of services are provided by qualified library staff to support students and staff with their teaching, learning and research needs.

  • Research support in class, and individually by appointment (for Years 7 to 12), using online and print resources.
  • Reading suggestions for all ages and abilities across all genres.
  • Referencing and bibliography advice using specialised reference generators.
  • Document delivery providing resources from other libraries.
  • Borrowing print resources, ebooks and audiobooks.
  • Spaces and equipment for relaxing, reading and studying.
  • Printing, copying and scanning.


An extensive range of print and electronic resources are available for students and staff via the Library homepages.

  • Books, ebooks and audio books.
  • Subject-specific research guides.
  • Subscription to an extensive range of online databases and resources.
  • Online tutorials to develop research and referencing skills.
  • ClickView – a digital repository of videos from television or film and other media created by teachers or students.
  • Links to selected websites.
  • Reading reviews and suggestions.
  • 'Ask a Librarian' email service.


Library events held throughout each year include:

  • Library Lovers’ Week.
  • National Simultaneous Storytime.
  • Readers Cup competition.
  • Book Week.
  • Author visits.
  • Literary quizzes.
  • Book clubs.