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The Somerville House Academic Program is underpinned by the School's unique Curriculum Framework, fostering a strong learning community.
Four key principles provide the foundation for all teaching and learning.
With Christian values at its core, the School’s curriculum ensures each student from Pre-Prep to Year 12 is provided with rich opportunities for rigorous, independent learning and developing critical, creative thinking.
Our curriculum is continually informed by well-founded educational research and encourages students to continually further their expertise as learners and strive for standards of excellence.
Students benefit from the School’s higher-than-average teacher-student ratio and its commitment to the continual improvement of teaching methods and practices through its Staff Professional Development Program.
Curriculum in the Early Learning Centre is informed by the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline, Early Years Curriculum Guidelines and the Early Years Learning Framework.
Courses of study in the Junior and Senior Schools meet all requirements of the Australian Curriculum and the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority syllabuses in key learning areas.
Somerville House students are encouraged to become expert learners. Our teachers nurture positive attitudes and intellectual habits that are crucial to academic success.