Somerville House boasts a long history of educating students from remote communities, with rural and regional students making up well over half of the current residents in the School's boarding facilities. As we draw closer to our 120th year celebrations on Friday 11 October, the School is proud to announce the introduction of a new scholarship aimed towards providing a student from a rural or regional area the opportunity to study and board at Somerville House as a new boarder beginning in Year 7 or 8 in January 2020.

Admissions Manager, Mrs Vanessa Saxby says that the scholarship was introduced to provide an opportunity for an outstanding student from rural and regional Australia to attend Somerville House, who may not have otherwise been able to afford the expense of a boarding school. 

“Seventy percent of boarding families come from these areas, which may not offer the educational opportunities and resources that are enjoyed by Somerville House students,” Mrs Saxby said. 

“This is a fantastic opportunity for a young girl to learn and grow in our world-class boarding facility,” she said.

“The award of this scholarship is tenable for the student’s education at the School, subject to satisfactory academic performance and contribution to school life.” 

Principal, Mrs Kim Kiepe says she is thrilled with the introduction of the Boarding Scholarship and encourages girls from exurban communities to apply.

“Our Boarding House provides a warm, supportive environment where our boarders are encouraged to balance structure and routine, with the freedom to explore and develop individually,” Mrs Kiepe said.

“The successful applicant will join over 100 girls of diverse nationalities and culturally rich backgrounds, who travel from around Australia and the world to take advantage of the renowned academic, cultural and sporting facilities at Somerville House,” she said. 

Somerville House is currently inviting applications for the 2020 Boarding Scholarship; please click here to apply. Applications for the 2021 Scholarships will be invited from October 2019. 

For more information on this scholarship or to learn more about the range of possibilities for your child at Somerville House, please contact our Admissions Office on 07 3248 9200 or via email