Christian Education is a core subject based on the teachings of the Bible and the person of Jesus Christ, and recognises the importance of a reasoned approach to the Christian faith and to the development of a Christian worldview. Assessment is in the form of short exams, research assignments, group work, oral presentations and participation in class activities and discussions.

Christian Education (Years 7 to 12)

Year 7
Topics covered in Year 7 Christian Education include: Friendship, Using the Bible, What is Christianity, Peace with God, Prayer, Themes from Narnia and Christmas.

Year 8
Topics covered in Year 8 Christian Education include: The Bible, Judaism, Jesus' Life and Teachings, Social Justice, Dealing with Disabilities and Christmas.

Year 9
Topics covered in Year 9 Christian Education include: Bible Overview, God and Science, Hinduism, Ethics, Relationships and Changing Direction.

Year 10
Topics covered include: Jesus' Parables, Jesus' Resurrection, Forgiveness & Justice, Is the Bible Reliable, Personal Identity, Identity of Christ, Forgiveness and Justice, Buddhism, Character & Decision-making.

Year 11
Topics covered include: Book of James, If God then Why Suffering, Islam, Respectful Relationships, History of Christianity, Cults, Dealing with Loss & Grief, Does God Exist?

Year 12
Topics covered include: Extraordinary People, The Search for Meaning and the Impact of Christianity on Western Culture.